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Descargar Managing for Happiness: Games, Tools, and Practices to Motivate Any Team de Jurgen Appelo Libros Gratis en EPUB

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Managing for Happiness: Games, Tools, and Practices to Motivate Any Team de Jurgen Appelo

Descripci贸n - Cr铆ticas 'Jurgen's book should be on every leader's bookshelf!' (Management Services, September 2016) Rese帽a del editor A practical handbook for making management great again Managing for Happiness offers a complete set of practices for more effective management that makes work fun. Work and fun are not polar opposites; they're two sides of the same coin, and making the workplace a pleasant place to be keeps employees motivated and keeps customers coming back for more. It's not about gimmicks or 'perks' that disrupt productivity; it's about finding the passion that drives your business, and making it contagious. This book provides tools, games, and practices that put joy into work, with practical, real-world guidance for empowering workers and delighting customers. These aren't break time exploits or downtime amusements they're real solutions for common management problems. Define roles and responsibilities, create meaningful team metrics, and replace performance appraisals with something more useful. An organization's culture rests on the back of management, and this book shows you how to create change for the better. Somewhere along the line, people collectively started thinking that work is work and fun is something you do on the weekends. This book shows you how to transform your organization into a place with enthusiastic Monday mornings. * Redefine job titles and career paths * Motivate workers and measure team performance * Change your organization's culture * Make management and work fun again Modern organizations expect everyone to be servant leaders and systems thinkers, but nobody explains how. To survive in the 21st century, companies need to dig past the obvious and find what works. What keeps top talent? What inspires customer loyalty? The answer is great management, which inspires great employees, who then provide a great customer experience. Managing for Happiness is a practical handbook for achieving organizational greatness. Contraportada Happy teams are more productive and managers should find joy at work, too! 'Jurgen's book is practical and fun, but most of all, it's subversive. If you care enough to get started, you'll discover that these tools will transform everything about your organization.' Seth Godin, The Icarus Deception Fact: Happy organizations are more productive and more innovative. Is there something I can do to foster a better company culture? More productivity from my team? More innovation from management? And more happiness for everyone? Managing for Happiness offers concrete games, tools, and practices for all workers. It addresses many common leadership questions, such as:
  • How can we measure performance?
  • How can we reward people in a better way?
  • How can we replace performance appraisals?
  • How can we motivate our teams?
  • How can we change the organization's culture?
  • In modern organizations, people are expected to be servant leaders and systems thinkers, but nobody explains exactly how to do this. Managing for Happiness offers you serious games, innovative tools, and simple practices. You can use them immediately to motivate any team, change the culture, boost productivity, and nurture innovation across your company. Because management is too important to leave to the managers! Everyone deserves to work in a happier organization. Biograf铆a del autor JURGEN APPELO is pioneering management to help creative organizations survive and thrive in the twenty-first century. He is the inventor of Management 3.0 workshops and CEO of the global business network Happy Melly. has called him a Top 50 Leadership Expert, a Top 50 Leadership Innovator, and a Top 100 Great Leadership Speaker.

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    Detalles del Libro

    • Name: Managing for Happiness: Games, Tools, and Practices to Motivate Any Team
    • Autor: Jurgen Appelo
    • Categoria: Libros,Libros universitarios y de estudios superiores,Negocios y finanzas
    • Tama帽o del archivo: 16 MB
    • Tipos de archivo: PDF Document
    • Idioma: Espa帽ol
    • Archivos de estado: AVAILABLE

    Descargar Gratis Managing for Happiness: Games, Tools, and Practices to Motivate Any Team de Jurgen Appelo PDF [ePub Mobi] Gratis

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